ahora apaga la luz

quédate a oscuras solo escuchando lo que dice tu cuerpo, los anhelos más prohibidos, los pensamientos más ilusos, las creencias acalladas por el pasar de la edad. Que se abran paso cada silencio, cada ente ficticio que te complementa . . . ahora dime, ¿qué ves? . . . bienvenidos a un mundo de ilusiones.

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010


Hoy en mi piel habia un aroma diferente , a un cuerpo diferente, ese olor tuyo lo tengo empregnado
te recorde...y me sonrojé cual niña , y ese ratito pensandote me encantó. Creí no estar lista, creí no quererte ni un poco ... y ahora aqui me tienes, en espera, una dulce espera.

- - carnaval-the cardigans - -

I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now

I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now

come on and love me now

Carnival came by my town today
bright lights from giantwheel
fall on the alleyways
and I'm here
by my door
waiting for you

I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now

I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now

come on and love me now

I hear sounds of lovers
barrel organs, mothers
I would like to take you
down there
just to make you mine
in a merry-go-round

I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now

I don't care 'bout anything but you

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